B. C. R Fegan
Hi Everyone,
I was sent this book by the publishers of B. C. R. Fegan and I have to say I continue to place this author on the top of my favourite picture book authors list!
This book is a simple concept really. A couple of kids go to stay at a place and they are told not to look behind door 32. Through the pages they discover what lies behind the other doors, and the imagination is brilliant, but they keep being reminded not to look behind door 32. In the final pages, of course, they find out what is behind the forbidden door. I have to say I was a little taken by what was behind this door as it was simpler than what I envisioned. It is actually a good talking point to have with your kids, to see what they think may be behind the door.
The illustrations make this book a piece of art. I love the pictures! Anyone who has been following me for a while will know how much I enjoy children's books, particularly well illustrated, catchy ones. This books ticks both the boxes. The book rhymes, so it is easy to read... And the pictures are a real treasure. I love the pictures! They bring this book to life :)
If you are looking for a gift, pick this book. If you are looking for a bedtime story, pick this one. If you are like me and like children's books, pick this one.
The magical Hotel of Hoo is a mysterious place with some very unusual occupants. As our guests explore the strange hotel, they are invited to experience everything it has to offer with just one warning… don’t ever look behind door 32.
This imaginative picture book aims to take children beyond the first ten cardinal numbers, and introduces them to the patterns of counting in a fun and accessible way. With rooms to explore and unique objects to count, children will enjoy lingering on each page as they make their way closer to the forbidden door.
- Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Dont-
Ever-Look-Behind-Door/dp/ 0648101916/ - Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/
book/show/36700744-don-t-ever- look-behind-door-32 - Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.
com/w/dont-ever-look-behind- door-32-bcr-fegan/1127094125 - Book Depository: https://www.bookdepository.
com/Dont-Ever-Look-Behind- Door-32-B-C-R-Fegan/ 9780648101901 - Fishpond: https://www.fishpond.com.au/
Books/Dont-Ever-Look-Behind- Door-32-B-C-R-Fegan/ 9780648101901
Happy reading
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