Thursday, 5 May 2016

The Rose Temple

The Rose Temple
S. Mitchel Weitzman with Lucia Weitzman
ISBN: 9780996117708

Due for release - May 2016

I was attracted to this book because it was of a holocaust survivor.  Every book I have ever read about someone surviving these extremes have been powerful testaments of courage, determination and hope.  This book was no exception.

It is a story of the past and present.  Lucia Weitzman's story of her childhood is intertwined with the dreams and visions she documents in a journal.  The dreams and visions become a journey of discovery as she follows the steps of each dream.  She writes each experience in a journal which helps her put together the pieces, as she discovers herself in the questioning.  It flicks from childhood to adulthood with each consecutive chapter.  I liked this concept.  I read each chapter to get back to the past or future.  I found myself enlightened by her journal and opened mouthed by her childhood. 

I love awaking from a dream.  I always feel refreshed and well rested when I dream.  I have never thought of documenting them.  I have often questioned them, especially when they seem so real.  The spiritual journey this woman travels is amazing and inspiring as she finds answers, truth and healing.  To read of the experience of a child held in grips of the holocaust, and the questions the adult then seeks to answer... This is the book.  Pick this up and take a journey through the childhood and adulthood of a true survivor.


Happy reading

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