Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Worthy of repeating

Hi everyone

This is what touched me most and got me thinking this week.  There are two youtube clips here, that have both been on the net for a while now.  One is about how society shapes us especially during the teen years.  The other is about what we would change if we could change one thing to do with our body. 

I find it interesting that as children, the answers were fill of hope and love.  They believed totally in who they were.  Why do we lose this?  How is it that we wake up one day and decide society should shape us and diminish our dreams?

I have a dream, to inspire and encourage all children to read, learn and shine.  I encourage all you book reviewers out there today to keep going.  We need to have reveiws for books out there because it makes people want to read them. To all the authors out there that send me books and pdf's of their novels, you need to keep writing.  Follow your dreams, like you did as a child, and don't let publishers stop you from keeping going.  Children need to have stories it is where dreams start!  Other worlds can be entered through turning of a page!

Come on girls remember who you were and the dreams and goals you had and go for it
You have only one life and one body enjoy it like a child
One last word... Go get a book and sit down and enjoy a story.  Go to another land, world or time and remember what it was like to read as a child.  Then think about reading a story to the children in your life they are worth it.
Happy reading



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