Sunday, 27 November 2016

The Emblem Throne

The Emblem Throne
Author: Jeffrey L Kohanek
ISBN: 9781612967615

Hi Everyone

I would like to thank the publishers and Netgalley for enabling me to review this book.  I hadn't read the first book in The Runes of Issalia but I still managed to understand the start of this book quickly, which is book II in the series.  The first few chapters introduced me to the characters, and as they left the Academy I found myself being being transported into their lives and journey.  I had to keep turning the pages way past the time of which I should have been sleeping. 

For anyone wanting to read this book I would recommend that you start with book I and take the compete journey.  As I finished The Emblem Throne I found myself wanting to know how the series started.  This book finishes in a place where you need to pick up the next book (not yet published).  And, I will hang around now, patiently awaiting the third book of which I will definitely continue to follow the journey with these characters.

By part II, the plot had completely taken over my nightly routine; by the end of part III it had taken over my day.  There was more action as each part developed.  There were numerous climaxes that kept dragging me back into each characters lives.  As I got to the last ten pages, I realised I was not going to get to the end of the plot before the end of the book.  This is when I became disheartened as I was not ready to finish the journey I had been taken on.  I don't enjoy waiting for the next book in any series, but such is life. 

I recommend this book to lovers of YA genre.  If you haven't read book 1 of this series then do start with the first book; I wish I had.


This was available from: Fishpond, Amazon, and Book depository

Happy reading

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