Tuesday, 16 August 2016

The Wine and Chocolate Workout

The Wine and Chocolate Workout
Author: Greta Boris
ISBN: 9780692323731

I have found the perfect workout dietary book!

I love chocolate and I love health and fitness.  Wine, I can give or take.  I know there are health benefits to wine but I have never had more than the odd one, mainly at Christmas.  I did find the information about wine very interesting.  I will look more into the health benefits of the odd glass of wine after reading this book.  Still, I will remain a small wine drinker.  As for chocolate... I am totally convinced there are health benefits to dark chocolate especially in my diet. :)

This book is extremely well written.  I always enjoy a good health book and this one is just that.  Years ago I read a book titled 'Diet no more'.  It was the best diet, or rather non-diet book, I have ever read.  This book is right beside that book on my list.  Greta Boris takes chocolate and wine, and adds it (in small doses) to a healthy living life style.  It is an action plan for life.  Just what I like!  Diets do not work!  I have seen so many people jump from diet to diet only to head back to where they came from.  I have seen my slim friends stay slim by not dieting.  They don't over eat, they simply enjoy a healthy life style, one of which they have had since... forever.

I found it refreshing reading this book.  It is meant to be read and implemented over several months, but I read it over the weekend.  I had to keep reading, as each chapter inspired me.  I have spent the last 6 weeks unable to exercise due to an injury, so reading this book was the next best thing.  I will pick this book up over and over again to remind and inspire me to remain on the healthy living journey that I have enjoyed since I read 'Diet no more'.  For all of you out there that are tired of dieting.... read this book.  There is nothing better than finding a lifestyle that you are happy to sustain for a life time.  You are worth the journey.


Diets take all the fun out of life. Greta Boris, Health Coach and Personal Trainer for close to 20 years, soon realized her clients weren't going to give up all their favourite treats (like wine and chocolate) and they didn't have to. Learn her secrets to a healthier, lighter life in this fun, easy read.

Happy reading

This was available from: Amazon, Fishpond and Book depository

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